History, Types And Health Benefits - Coffee Arabica

Coffee Arabica – History, Types and Health Benefits

Welcome to the fascinating world of Arabica coffee, also known as Coffea Arabica. Originating in the highlands of Ethiopia, this beverage has a rich history and comes in various types, each offering a unique flavour profile. In this exploration, we’ll take a journey through the origins of Arabica coffee, its diverse types, and the surprising health benefits it brings. Join us as we unravel the story behind this aromatic brew, making the world of coffee accessible to all. Let’s sip into the warmth of Arabica coffee and discover its secrets together!

Table of Contents

What is Coffea Arabica?

As we learned above, Arabica coffee comes from Ethiopia, a place with tall mountains. What makes it special is its smooth taste and delightful aroma. People in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Ethiopia, Guatemala and India love growing Arabica coffee because it’s known for being high quality. The climate and altitude in these places make Arabica beans just perfect. It’s like the secret behind the best cups of coffee. Arabica coffee has a reputation for being really smooth and well-bodied, and that’s why it’s grown in these places a lot. So, when you sip on Arabica coffee, you’re tasting something carefully grown and crafted from the best spots around the world. It’s like a delicious journey in every cup.

History of Coffea Arabica:

Let’s journey back in time to discover the history of Arabica coffee. Arabica beans, the special seeds that make this coffee, have a story that begins in the misty mountains of Ethiopia. Long ago, people in Ethiopia found these Arabica beans and realised they could turn them into a delicious drink. As time passed, Arabica coffee travelled to places like Yemen, where it became a treasure. People loved its unique taste, and soon it spread to other lands like Brazil and beyond. Arabica beans, with their rich history, have been bringing joy to coffee lovers for generations, creating a flavourful tale that spans continents.

Why is it called Coffea Arabica?

Coffea Arabica got its name from a fascinating journey! Arab traders discovered these fantastic Arabica coffee beans in Ethiopia’s highlands. They thought, “These beans are something special!” So, when they took them to faraway places, people started calling them “Arabica coffee beans” because they were connected to the Arabs who brought them. It’s like giving a name to a treasure you found. The name stuck, and now, whenever you hear “Coffea Arabica,” it’s like a little reminder of the exciting travels these Arabica coffee beans went on. It’s like saying that this is the amazing coffee that made a journey from Ethiopia with the Arab traders. The name just adds a touch of history and adventure to your favourite brew.

Types of Coffea Arabica:

Join us on a flavourful journey as we explore the diverse world of Coffea Arabica beans, each type promising a unique and delicious adventure in every sip.


These beans are like the classic version of Arabica, known for a well-balanced flavour.


A special kind of Coffea Arabica beans, famous for their sweet and fruity taste.


These beans are rare and often considered a delicacy, with a unique and exciting flavour profile.

SL28 and SL34:

Varieties that bring a bit of brightness to your cup, offering a tangy and lively taste.

Ethiopian Heirloom:

These Coffea Arabica beans come from Ethiopia’s highlands, giving them a distinct and rich flavour. Each type of Coffea Arabica bean brings its own special taste to the world of coffee, making it a delightful experience for coffee lovers.

Distribution and Natural Habitat of Coffea Arabica:

Let’s peek into what our favourite brew, Coffea Arabica coffee, calls home. These special beans thrive in places with tall mountains and cooler temperatures. The natural habitat of Coffea Arabica coffee is like a cozy niche. The highlands of this African country provide the perfect conditions for these beans to grow with ease. Now, these beans are no homebodies; they love to spread their aromatic goodness. You’ll find them in countries like Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala and even parts of India where the climate and altitude create a comfy space for them to flourish. It’s like they have second homes. Imagine sipping a cup of Coffea Arabica coffee and feeling the mountain breeze from Ethiopia or the tropical warmth from Brazil. These beans make each cup a delightful journey through their natural habitats. So, when you enjoy your morning cup, remember you’re savouring a bit of Ethiopia, a slice of Brazil, and a sip of the diverse lands where Coffea Arabica coffee thrives.

Cultivation and Use of Coffea Arabica:

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of cultivating and enjoying our cherished Arabica coffee plant. Growing these beans is like tending to a garden, and they thrive in high-altitude regions, much like the mountains of Ethiopia, their original home. The Arabica coffee plant demands a bit of attention, but the reward is truly in the beans it produces. Farmers carefully plant Arabica seeds, cultivating them into robust plants that crave just the right amount of sunshine and rain. Picture the scene: after a patient few years, the plants burst with coffee cherries, small, round fruits that turn a vibrant red during harvest – a true celebration on the farm. Inside these cherries lies the precious Arabica coffee beans. Once picked, these Arabica coffee beans undergo a detailed process to prepare them for your morning cup. Washing and drying, followed by the transformative roasting process, turn them into the familiar brown beans we all recognize, emanating that rich aroma we adore. Now, let’s talk about the daily ritual of using these beans. Whether brewing with a fancy machine or a simple filter, it all comes back to those carefully cultivated Arabica coffee beans. The brewing process releases an inviting aroma, welcoming you to start your day right. What’s fascinating is the versatility of these beans. Grind them for a French press, use a drip machine, or experiment with an espresso maker; each method unveils a different facet of the Arabica coffee bean flavour, turning your coffee experience into a personalised delight. From the skilled hands of farmers to the comforting warmth in your cup, the journey of the Arabica coffee plant unfolds as a tale of cultivation, patience, and joy.

Health Benefits of Coffea Arabica:

Not only is this one of the most smooth and delicious varieties of coffee beans, but also one of the healthiest. Here are a few benefits of drinking coffee from the Coffee Arabica plant.

  1. Natural Caffeine Boost: Derived from the robust Coffee Arabica plant, this brew offers a safe energy kick with moderate consumption (200-300 mg daily).

  1. Antioxidant Rich: Bursting with antioxidants, Arabica coffee beans combat inflammation, serving as a shield against chronic diseases.

  1. Nutrient Powerhouse: Your daily cup of Arabica coffee is a nutrient treasure, providing manganese, niacin, magnesium, and riboflavin to fortify heart health and overall vitality.

  1. Hydration and Electrolytes: Beyond 90% water, Arabica coffee, a creation of the Coffee Arabica plant, contributes to daily hydration, delivering 116 mg of potassium for effective blood pressure management.

  1. Weight Management Support: With zero calories, Arabica coffee, a gift from the Coffee Arabica plant, aids weight management. Consider adding a touch of healthy fats like coconut oil to enhance metabolism.

In essence, the versatile Coffee Arabica plant unfolds as a provider of natural energy, antioxidants, vital nutrients, hydration, and a helping hand in weight management. Indulge in the goodness of the coffee bean plant with Arabica’s wholesome benefits. Elevate your daily cup and enjoy the healthful perks. Ready for a delightful experience? Give AVT’s Premium Coffee a try – it’s pure satisfaction in every cup.


What is Coffea Arabica used for?

A: Coffee Arabica is primarily used for producing high-quality Arabica coffee beans. These beans are favoured for their mild flavour, lower acidity, and aromatic qualities, making them a popular choice for specialty and gourmet coffee.

Is Arabica Coffee grown in India?

A: Yes, it is grown in India, offering benefits like mild flavour, low acidity, and aromatic qualities in its beans.

What’s special about Arabica Coffee?

A: Arabica coffee is prized for its mild taste, lower acidity, and delightful aroma, making it special among coffee enthusiasts worldwide.

Is Indian Coffee Arabica or Robusta?

A: Indian coffee includes both Arabica and Robusta varieties, with Arabica being cultivated in regions with higher altitudes and Robusta in lower altitudes.

Is Coffea Arabica used in coffee?

A: Yes, Coffea arabica is widely used in coffee production, appreciated for its mild flavour and aromatic qualities in various coffee beverages.

