Cropped picture of a woman sitting on a bed with favourite tea and holding a mug of tea

4 Step Bedtime Ritual for Green Tea Lovers!

Tucking yourself in bed is the best part of a long and tiring day for most of us. But in our stressful life, we are often struggling to fall asleep – tossing and turning in our bed, unable to catch a wink and often staring at the illuminated screen of our mobile phones. However, nothing makes our day better than a great night’s sleep!

Relaxing over a warm cup of night time AVT Green Tea with its touch of lemon and ginger sure sounds like a great way to prepare for bed, but is that enough? Relaxing before hitting the sack might be an elaborate ritual and we thought of helping you out by creating one for you!

Step 1: Unplug your devices

Our life is on the internet. We are staring at a screen for at least 60% of our day and while, for most of us, it is an occupational hazard, it is also very important to unplug and declutter! So while your AVT Green Tea brews in the kitchen, you clear your phone off all the open apps, put it on charge outside the bedroom, turn off your laptop and slip into a state of digital hibernation.

Step 2: Destress your body

We are a firm believer in the philosophy that a bath solves everything! Run yourself a hot bath or step under the warm shower and see all the stress ebb away from your mind. If you want to make your night time bath even more special and enriching, we suggest some aroma therapy. Let the scent of soothing essential oils carry you into a state of bliss. Scented incense is also a great way to set the mood for a rejuvenating night’s sleep. As your AVT Green Tea sits ready for your sipping pleasure, get your body ready to unwind.

Step 3: Clean your space

Keeping your space organized and clean is instrumental in ensuring that you have sound sleep. We have consistently heard from our parents that the bed is not an area to study, eat or work. So keep your bed clutter-free, clean and organized so that when you step in to close your day, you find a zone to unwind, uninterrupted by elements that in anyway point towards the worries and stress of your day.

Step 4: Calm your brain

According to us, the best time to catch up on your reading goals is right before you cosy up in your blanket and slip into a peaceful slumber. So grab your first cup of AVT Green Tea and get under the covers with your day’s read. In our experience, the sleep comes heavy and strong when you have a book for company. Couple this with a soothing playlist and your second cup of AVT Green tea, and you are all set to wake up refreshed and ready to take on the next morning!

While you incorporate these rituals to end your day on a tranquil note, we suggest the best accompanying beverage for your nightcap that is low caffeine while being tasty and healthy – the AVT Green Teas. It is also your most suitable tea companion in three lipsmacking flavours – AVT Green Tea Lemon, AVT Green Tea Lemon & Ginger and AVT Green Tea Jasmine!

So go ahead, get in bed for a night of sleep akin to that of a baby’s!

