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  • Post published:October 12, 2020
  • Post category:Tea

Tea is the second most popular beverage in the world, after water. That should count for something. But why do we drink tea at all? Well, to each his own, some cannot wake up and start the day without the morning cup, some need the refreshing aroma to tingle the senses, some want the colour and flavour and others just want the cup of their favourite beverage to get moving! Tea is a safer alternative to coffee as they contain L-Theanine which is an amino acid that helps your body process caffeine differently. It creates a state of calm alertness.

Even in the United States, where coffee is popular, statistics show over eighty percent of Americans keep some flavour of tea in their houses, with over a million Americans drinking tea on a daily basis! Green tea is more popular because it has a milder flavour than most varieties and holds a reputation for helping curb the appetite, boosting the metabolism, which is why weight enthusiasts go by it on a regular basis. Green tea comes out on top when it comes to health benefits.It has a  high concentration of antioxidants and polyphenols – the highest of a variety called catechins among the true teas. These have been found to help reduce the risk of cancer, insulin resistance, and high blood pressure. Matcha has the unique form of a fine powder, which is actually brewed into the tea, not strained. As the leaves are actually consumed, matcha contains a particularly high concentration of the antioxidants and nutrients associated with green tea.

Ginger tea is a powerful digestive that works to improve digestive problems from gastric problems and bloating to nausea and indigestion. The tea boasts of natural anti-inflammatory properties as it contains shogaol and gingerol. In the present pandemic situation when immunity building is the mantra of the day, ginger tea and cardamom tea are in high demand due to its health benefits. In India, colloquially it is referred to as ‘masala’ tea and adds that soothing touch to the throat. But again, it depends on individual tea drinkers because there are several who feel that adding catalysts to the tea or other natural or artificial flavours, degrades the drink in itself and prefer to drink plain loose tea leaves soaked in hot simmering water with or without milk.

Chamomile tea is known for its soothing benefits. Research shows that tea may help to calm the nervous system and treat acid reflux. The tea works to decrease inflammation and relax muscles too. Exotic flavours and organic teas are growing in popularity. But the most widely consumed tea is still Black Darjeeling. It is also a product of high demand outside India and the export varieties are highly priced.

If you love your butter, this one’s for you. Butter tea or gur gur, is a beverage popular in the Himalayan regions. It is traditionally made from tea leaves, butter, water, and salt. Himalayan nomads are known to drink over 30 cups a day to beat the freezing temperature! Since it contains a lot of butter this tea has a high amount of calories, which is suitable for high altitudes. It also helps prevent chapped lips. So the next time you’re out venturing up higher altitudes, keep the butter tea close. 

Nilgiri tea, also known as blue mountain tea, grown in the southern part of the Western Ghats, is a dark, flavourful and extremely aromatic tea capable of instantly soothing one’s mind and body. Just like the Darjeeling and Assam teas, the Nilgiri variety is also globally popular much loved as it even makes great iced tea. If you’re looking for a beverage that helps reduce weight and fight diabetes, the  Nilgiri tea makes a good fit for the role. In addition to that, it also helps improve oral health dealing with gums and teeth.

If you fancy a minty touch to your tea, peppermint tea is one of the most commonly used herbal teas in the world with more health benefits than one can count! Peppermint tea is traditionally used to relieve discomfort of the digestive tract and is packed with calcium, vitamin B, and potassium that help build immunity. Besides, peppermint tea does a pretty great job with beating the midday slump and relieving nausea.

Adding a pop of colour to your tea now comes with benefits for your body! Hibiscus tea with its pink-red color and refreshing flavor, can be enjoyed hot or iced. In addition to its bold color and unique flavor, hibiscus tea offers a multitude of health benefits as it has  antiviral properties and is proved to be effective against strains of flu. 

Whichever the flavour of the tea, it is ultimately the love for this beverage that attracts us to read more and try more of the variety it offers. The deeper we delve into the types of teas, the more intriguing it gets and no matter what time of the day, it’s always a good time to sip a cup of your favourite tea.

