Everything You Need To Know About Espresso

Everything You Need to Know about Espresso

What is an Espresso?

Espresso coffee is not your regular coffee; it is powerful with a thick texture, similar to warm honey. The magic happens when hot water is pushed through finely-ground coffee beans at high pressure, creating a concentrated and flavourful shot topped with crema. Today, with diverse beans and cutting-edge machines, Espresso coffee has all coffee lovers in awe of its intense taste and flavours. It isn’t just about beans but the brewing process that defines espresso and its intensity. Served in quick shots, it’s the anchor for beloved drinks like cappuccino, latte, americano, and macchiato.

What defines an Espresso?

Let’s dive deeper into what defines espresso: Imagine high-pressure, hot water seeping through finely ground coffee beans, resulting in a liquid masterpiece. Intensely bold, yet delicious, espresso earns its place in small cups or shot glasses, inviting coffee enthusiasts to enjoy the taste that this brew offers. The most popular hotspots of espresso reside in cafes across Italy, where the love for this intense brew is a part of their culture and daily lives. From charming espresso bars in Rome to sleek coffee corners in Milan, Italy’s passion for espresso has become a global standard.

What is the history of Espresso?

Around a century ago in Italy, the origins of the beloved coffee espresso can be traced back to Luigi Bezzera of Milan. This coffee maestro introduced a groundbreaking steam-pressure brewing method, presenting a faster and more robust cup of coffee. Referred to as “café espresso,” the term itself reflects this innovation that is “pressed out coffee”, which means the high-pressure journey of water through finely-ground coffee. As the 1940s unfolded, the art of crafting espresso shaped the globally cherished brew known today. Luigi Bezzera’s innovative approach not only increased coffee espresso production but also created a caffeinated legacy, awakening coffee lovers around the world. His innovation, a search for a quicker and bold cup, marked the inception of a coffee espresso revolution. The 1940s brought in a transformative era, refining espresso coffee craftsmanship.

Post-war Italy witnessed the blossoming of a café culture, with espresso machines becoming social hubs. The 1950s brought further creativity, introducing lever machines and enhancing the control that baristas have over the espresso coffee brewing process. Icons like Gaggia enriched the experience, contributing to the deep and bold flavours of espresso coffee.

The latter half of the 20th century presented espresso coffee on the global stage. The 1980s and 1990s saw the increase of automatic machines, simplifying the brewing ritual and providing easier access to coffee espresso. In the 21st century, the third-wave coffee movement redefined espresso coffee as an art form, emphasising quality beans, precision in brewing, and an artisanal approach. Today, with multiple single-origin beans, cutting-edge machines, and a global community of enthusiasts, espresso coffee continues its evolution.

What does an Espresso consist of?

In the ongoing story of espresso vs coffee, the excitement unfolds in the ingredients and the journey from bean to brew. As previously explored, espresso is an incredible creation, born by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans under intense pressure.

What makes Espresso different from Coffee?

The difference between espresso and coffee is that traditional coffee undertakes a quicker process. It navigates through coarser grounds, resulting in a brew with a milder taste. The caffeine content in a standard 8-ounce cup of coffee is a variable dance, ranging from 95 to 200 milligrams. Here, the difference emerges not just in brewing methods but in flavour profiles. Espresso, with its quick extraction, shows an intense, robust flavour, capturing the flavours of the coffee bean in a potent sip. While, traditional coffee reveals a milder temperament, allowing the coarser grounds more time to provide a layered taste. The choice between the two, “espresso vs coffee” becomes a matter of personal preference. An exploration of whether one seeks the quickness of a bold shot or the slow revelation of flavours that exist in a leisurely brewed cup.

What is the average level of caffeine in an Espresso?

How much caffeine is in an Espresso can vary depending on the level of concentration and the origin of the beans used. Most often, a small yet powerful shot of Espresso, brimming with 29 to 100 milligrams of caffeine, delivers an instant, concentrated burst of flavour.

Espresso bean selection and storage tips:

In espresso history, the process of selecting beans is an important chapter. Coffee farmers embark on a journey for beans that work well with the intense brewing method. Optimal choices include high-quality Arabica or a robust Arabica-robusta blend. These beans, often sourced from specific regions, undergo thorough roasting to enhance their flavours. The selection depends on factors like bean origin, altitude, and roast profile, creating a narrative of craftsmanship that contributes to the character of each espresso shot.

Preserving the rich legacy of espresso history, consider these pointers for optimal storage:

  1. Airtight Container:

    Keep espresso beans in an airtight container to protect them from exposure to air, which can degrade flavours.

  2. Cool, Dark Place:

    Store the container in a cool, dark spot to shield the beans from light, preserving their freshness and preventing premature ageing.

  3. Refrigeration:

    For extended storage, consider refrigeration, but ensure the beans are sealed to prevent absorption of unwanted odours.

  4. Avoid Direct Sunlight:

    Protect the beans from direct sunlight to prevent flavour deterioration.

  5. Grind Before Brewing:

    Grind the beans just before brewing to unleash their full potential, ensuring a fresh and flavourful espresso experience.

Also Read: Types of Coffee Beans: A Comprehensive Guide

How to make an Espresso?

In the vivid history of espresso, various preparation methods have evolved, each contributing to the rich structure of this beloved brew.

Classic Espresso Machine:

A turning point in the history of espresso, this method involves forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee under pressure, producing a smooth and concentrated shot.


This method uses air pressure to extract coffee, yielding a rich and smooth espresso-like brew, perfect for those seeking a versatile and portable alternative.

Moka Pot Brewing:

This method involves water pressure pushing boiling water through coffee grounds, resulting in a strong and flavorful brew. The Moka pot offers a simple stovetop alternative for those seeking an espresso-like experience without an espresso machine.

Also Read: Coffee Brewing Methods: 11 Ways to Brew Coffee

In unravelling all things espresso, we’ve explored its rich history, flavours, and diverse brewing methods. Now, let your palate be the guide. Whether you savour the bold intensity of a classic shot or opt for a modern AeroPress alternative, the world of espresso awaits your exploration. Challenge your taste buds, experiment with brewing methods, and discover the intense flavour profiles within every sip. This is your sign to elevate your coffee journey with AVT’s premium coffee!


Q: Is espresso stronger than coffee?

A: Yes, Espresso is typically much stronger than regular coffee in the classic espresso vs coffee debate.

Q: Why do people drink espresso?

A: People savour espresso for its concentrated flavour, quick energy boost, and ritualistic experience. The rich, intense taste and caffeine kick make it a favourite coffee choice.

Q: How is espresso made?

A: Espresso is made by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee under high pressure, extracting a concentrated shot. This method, a cornerstone in the history of espresso, yields its signature intensity.

Q: How does espresso taste?

A: It boasts a robust and intense flavour profile. Its concentrated nature highlights the rich, full-bodied essence of coffee, delivering a bold taste with a hint of bitterness and a velvety crema.

Q: Can I use regular coffee for espresso?

A: Preferably not. Using regular coffee for espresso may not yield the same intensity. Espresso requires finely ground beans and high pressure. Specific espresso blends or finely ground coffee are recommended for authentic results.

Q: Is espresso just pure coffee?

A: Espresso is a potent coffee variant, not synonymous with pure coffee. It distinguishes itself by a specialised brewing method; hot water under high pressure through finely ground beans, producing a concentrated shot.

